In a world of ever expanding channels and devices, marketers have to be very strategic about where they invest their budgets. And one of the biggest measures of success for marketers is a healthy ROI.
Creating strong inbound marketing strategies are invaluable to building a business where consumers come to you. Pay Per Call emphasizes to potential customers that your business is readily available through the device they are most attached to: their mobile phone.
Why to Implement Pay Per Call Campaigns?
As smartphone users increase, and our phone becomes the essential tool for connecting with people and businesses alike, Pay Per Call is the most relevant and next-level arena to make sure you are present in.
Our Pay Per Call marketing strategies make sure that your ads are seen by relevant audiences so that the leads that call are already looking for products or services just like yours. Pay Per Call uses unique trackable phone numbers to send qualified calls to you. As with any type of performance based marketing, you get the exposure regardless but only pay for the tangible leads that call in.

Why Do You Want These Calls?
- Research tells us that people are increasingly using mobile over desktop for searches.
The psychology of mobile searchers is that a phone call marks the point where the caller is close to purchasing point. - We know that 70% of mobile searchers have called businesses from search engine’s click-to-call feature and will act on the results within an hour, whereas desktop searchers have a response time of a week.
- 61% of mobile searches lead to a call to the business.
- 47% of mobile searchers say they would move on if a business doesn’t show a phone number in the search results.
- Mobile search is only going to grow: by 2016, mobile search will be directing 70 billion calls to businesses.
Why People Call?
- 59% find it faster to call to get their questions answered.
- 57% prefer to speak with a real person.
- 54% aren’t finding what they need on the website.
Pay Per Call vs Pay Per Click
What’s the Difference Between Pay Per Call marketing and Pay Per Click advertising?
Pay Per Call and Pay per Click are both performance-based advertising models, and the main difference is not just the channels of computer or phone. First of all, there is a 10-15% higher closing rate for phone calls over online leads. While Pay Per Click can be vulnerable to click fraud, Pay Per Call has built on call tracking technology which safely tracks valid calls so that results and performance can be accounted for. Further, Pay Per Click takes you from one online place to another online place, and Pay Per Call marketing stretches to both online and offline advertising to include print, TV, and more.

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