Pay Per Click Is Search Engine’s Best Friend [Infographic]


Search Engine Marketing (both paid and SEO) is one of the most effective form of customer acquisition. While there is a lot of focus on growing organically through Search Engine Optimization, marketers should not dismiss Pay Per Click Advertising. Even if your website is ranked #1, data showed that paid ads provides 50% incremental clicks. This number is even greater when the organic result rank 5 or below. Thus, whether your website is ranking in the top 3 spots or lower, pay per click advertising can help boost your visibility and generate traffic that might have been missed.

Should You Invest in Bing Ads?

There are many reasons marketers are investing time, attention and cash in their e-commerce ad campaigns. New trends and features in pay-per-click advertising models are providing us with more keyword level control than ever. The rise of online product listing ads – as well as increasing improvements around product listings themselves – is also creating more product awareness among consumers who shop online.

Google AdWords dominates the paid search industry and is certainly crucial to many online campaigns. But marketers shouldn’t overlook the benefits of Bing ads.

A boost to search volume
One misconception that marketers and consumers alike share is that Google somehow controls all online searches. There’s actually more diversity of search methods than many people realize. According to comScore’s “April 2015 U.S. Desktop Search Engine Rankings,” Yahoo sites account for 12.7 percent of search volume and Microsoft sites account for 20.2 percent. Google gets 64.2 percent – a high percentage, but not exactly a monopoly.

Bing Ads serves pay-per-click ads for Yahoo and Microsoft sites. Can your brand afford to miss out on nearly one-third of searches?

3 Common Pay-Per-Click Pitfalls

3 pitfalls to avoid in PPC

The abundance of information on pay-per-click solutions can make it hard to know whether each new development will help you improve your overall PPC revenue – or leave you spinning your wheels. Even seasoned marketers and PPC managers struggle with figuring out which trends will help them boost ad revenue through website traffic.

If you face one of three common pitfalls, you are not alone:

The 411 On Mobile Pay-Per-Click

Pay Per Click AdvertisingMore than half of adults use their phones to surf the Web, the Pew Research Center reported – a trend that will continue throughout 2015. That amounts to a lot more clicks and impressions available to marketers, many of whom are already using the pay-per-click model to target users of cell phones, iPads and other mobile devices.

Essentially, this offers a more efficient way to manage the type of website, time of day and ad copy that these visitors are viewing. Mobile PPC ad campaigns allow marketers control over when and how ads will be displayed, and who will see them.