There are many reasons marketers are investing time, attention and cash in their e-commerce ad campaigns. New trends and features in pay-per-click advertising models are providing us with more keyword level control than ever. The rise of online product listing ads – as well as increasing improvements around product listings themselves – is also creating more product awareness among consumers who shop online.
Google AdWords dominates the paid search industry and is certainly crucial to many online campaigns. But marketers shouldn’t overlook the benefits of Bing ads.
A boost to search volume
One misconception that marketers and consumers alike share is that Google somehow controls all online searches. There’s actually more diversity of search methods than many people realize. According to comScore’s “April 2015 U.S. Desktop Search Engine Rankings,” Yahoo sites account for 12.7 percent of search volume and Microsoft sites account for 20.2 percent. Google gets 64.2 percent – a high percentage, but not exactly a monopoly.
Bing Ads serves pay-per-click ads for Yahoo and Microsoft sites. Can your brand afford to miss out on nearly one-third of searches?
Marketers who want to give it a try can import either an entire account or one existing campaign from Google AdWords. You face less competition from other advertisers on Bing, another auction-based platform. Even if your Bing Ads campaign gets fewer overall impressions, dividing your budget between AdWords and Bing could save you money. To show why, Practical Ecommerce highlighted one advertiser that pays roughly 35 percent less per click using Bing. Its ad also resulted in a higher spot on the page.
Ever wonder what your competitors are up to? Bing offers a free tool called Bing Ads Intelligence, which is essentially an Excel extension that offers marketers an added level of research. If you download it and launch Excel, a new tab will appear. Practical Ecommerce explained that you can pick a date range and select your campaign to find out who your top competitors are and how you stack up against them.
Recent changes
Despite the site’s relative simplicity, marketers need to familiarize themselves with the differences between PPC platforms and pay attention to how they craft their ad campaigns for Bing. Rules and processes are frequently in flux. For instance, Close variants, which tell ads to show for variations on keywords, are one recent addition to all Bing campaigns. After the change was announced, Bing reported a 2 to 3 percent increase in click volume, with roughly the same return on investment across the board, Search Engine Land said. But some advertising terms are more profitable than others, and marketers need to ensure such developments don’t negatively impact an existing campaign.
Some brands are doing just fine with AdWords – or neither one. But Bing offers a potentially helpful tool for many marketers looking to diversify their campaigns and stay ahead of the competition.