In a world of ever expanding channels and devices, marketers have to be very strategic about where they invest their budgets. And one of the biggest measures of success for marketers is a healthy ROI.
One investment marketers should consider for their overall marketing strategy is pay per call. With the right tools in place, pay per call can make a big impact on your bottom line whether it’s from mobile, web, paid search, print, TV, or more.
Find out how pay per call can generate revenue for your marketing across online and offline channels.
Further Monetize Your Online Efforts with Pay Per Call
Marketers can no longer rely on a web-only experience in an omnichannel world. With pay per call, marketers can provide a more personalized experience for their web visitors. Dynamic number insertion instantly populates numbers that tracks the entire digital path to purchase of the visitor who picks up the phone makes the call. Markets simply insert a snippet of code on their web page, and the phone numbers are automatically created for each unique visitor. It’s beneficial for marketers to give visitors the ability to call from a web page because a phone call is immediate, direct, and personal.
Marketers can get more bang for their buck out of their paid search by using pay per call marketing. This is especially important since 45% of phone calls in 2015 were driven by mobile search alone. Marketers can take advantage by incorporating click to call functionality in their paid search ads. Making it easy for searchers to quickly go from results to a phone call. With a pay per call solution, marketers can monetize their paid search by attributing ROI to the paid search ad, ad group, and even the keywords that drove the call.
The rise of mobile has revolutionized the way consumers are engaging with businesses by blurring the line between online and offline. A tiny touchscreen and large thumbs make online forms an impractical way for businesses to interact with their mobile audiences. Click to call makes it possible for mobile users to instantly connect with businesses at the click of a single button. Pay per call makes it possible for marketers to monetize their mobile traffic across both online and offline channels.
Accurately Measure Performance of Offline Channels Using Pay Per Call
Marketers can’t afford to write off print marketing as an outdated offline channel. With pay per call, it is more like low hanging fruit. A survey from Invoca shows that 16% of calls are driven from print collateral. That may not sound like a lot, but when you consider that phone calls convert ten times more than clicks, that 16% means a whole lot more. The people who make the effort to call have higher intent, and are more goal oriented than someone casually browsing a web page. Adding a phone number on a piece of marketing collateral for an industry event is a small effort for the possibility of a big return.
The emergence of second screen behavior requires marketers to rethink TV as more than a solely offline strategy. According to Gallup panel survey, 81% of smartphone owners have their device within reach during all waking hours, and many even have their phone within arms reach at night. So odds are that when a consumer is watching TV, they have their mobile device within reach. Marketers can take advantage of second screen behavior with pay per call. You can tie phone calls to the TV ad that drove them in order to accurately attribute ROI.
Everyone has at least one radio jingle that gets stuck in their head at any time. And there is real power behind those jingles besides ensuring the vanity phone number of business will be thoroughly memorized by a radio listener. With pay per call, businesses can put their radio phone numbers to work. You can gain deeper insights into your individual callers like their name, geo-location, whether they are a new or repeat caller, the day and time of the call, and so much more. You can use this information to optimize your marketing strategy and spend to increase ROI.
Pay per call is the perfect addition to your current marketing strategy. With the right tools in place you can power both your online and offline marketing to bring you higher conversions and a greater ROI.